Saturday, July 23, 2005

Experience with God

4 more days of summer school!! hahahahahah i'm soo happy. After the exams, i'm going to celebrate. But first i'm going to give thanks to God for the will and energy to survive through summer school.

Here's a little miracle God showed me during my summer school days.

I got very sick on the second day of school. I developed a cold and fever started haunting me. Unfortunately, I had a presentation the next day and I did not have the energy to prepare what i'm going to say. Well so here I was on the computer, unwillingly typing my part of the handout. Suddenly, I had this boost of energy giving, I know by God, to finish the work and sleep extremely early. oh.. by the way, when I was on the computer, I prayed and prayed to God to give me strength to endure this pain and weariness. He answered my prayers very quickly!

English is not my best subject, in fact it might be my worst subject. I dislike english because I was never taught the grammar and I never knew the proper to structurize everything. So my english teachers gave me a mark, I have to truthfully say, that I deserved but did not want. They were extremely low. Passing but on the border of being average. That was how bad it was.

When taking english summer school, I thought that I could possibly do well. I wanted to get away from my hard english teachers at day school and get an extremely nice and easy teacher at summer school.

HAHA I was proven semi-wrong. My summer school teacher is very nice but she's a little hard. I don't blame her because the SUBJECT IS HARD!! My mind was not thinking properly when i chose to take summer school.

I got so worried during my fever season. I felt that I should drop summer school and take it during day school. That was what I thought but not what God planned.

Miracously, I survived the presentation and the teacher even complimented on my spirit (i thought I was going to vomit and faint) and my memorization (note: I memorized my part of the presentation which is another miracle from God)!!!!!

I also survived mid-term and essay writing. Writing is something that I struggle a lot with. When i handed my essay in (note: we had to do it in class and we could not bring it home so that we do not plagarise), I was so worried. I felt also a failure because i'm worrying when I "know" that God had a wonderful plan for me. I "know" that He would not forsake me and that He would not plan my life to be disastrous beyong help-kind. I knew in my mind those points but deep in my heart, I doubted myself and God!! I felt a failure!!

Fortunately, God trule is amazing! That I know in my heart because he not only gave me a mark very high for my standards for the essay, he also provided with my CLOSEST friends ever to support and encourage me during the doubting period.

My mentors constantly gave me hope and reminded me what i'm living for. I know (in my heart) that I can't bring marks, status, certificates, qualifications when i die. What I can bring and kept are relationships (friendship and family-ship hehe). My family are my brothers and sisters in Christ! I know this deep in heart and it's engraved on it!

I hope that my experience with God softened your heart towards Him. He is a loving Father. He didn't promise a trial- and hardship-free life. But He promised His everlasting present and everlasting LOVE towards us. What more can we ask for??

If you have any thoughts or questions, comment and I'll be glad to listen/read and try to answers questions you have!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Summer School

eck... summer school just started!! The course is crazy... so many things to cover in so little time!! I don't know how I can survive!

But don't lose hope in Da Vinci's Code discussion because I will be getting to that hopefully soon! There is just so many topics to cover and I don't know where to start. When I have summer school settled and all the information about The Da Vinci's Code sorted out, i'll write and post once again!

It will come together in God's timing!